Try to Love Again Cat Stevens

"The first cut is the deepest. Baby I know, the first cut is the deepest. But I'll try to love again…" Cat Stevens wrote this and it's become one of the most quotable lyrics of all time, as we all tend to agree with the sentiment.

The first cut really was the deepest, as that first ending, or break up really showed us how fragile we can be, even breakable. And to love again?

Well, that would take time, wouldn't it? We'd have to heal and forget the person who hurt us, and we'd have to assume that love really isn't the enemy here.

What keeps us from loving again is the fear we keep alive in our hearts, and that fear is exactly what prevents us from finding new love — a thing we really do want if we let ourselves admit it.

And so, because we have a transit that is particularly good with mending hearts and letting us see that love is actually a beautiful thing indeed, we will come to know that yes, we CAN love again.

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While the first cut may be the deepest, the lyric implies that the second cut — if there is one — might not hurt as much, allowing us resilience and a chance to survive.

Because we know how painful love can be, we tread lightly, until of course, we merely throw ourselves off the side of the cliff, right into the lap of love itself.

And yes, we will become ready to love again during Mercury sextile Venus, because love is our calling, and for love, we wander the world. For love, we work it out. For love, we stand our ground.

For love, we conquer our fears, because for some reason, no matter what we go through in this life, love always seems to be the best part of our lives here on earth. Lyrics like, "Baby, I'll try to love again…" become words made flesh.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Are Ready To Love Again During Mercury Sextile Venus, May 7 – 11, 2022:

1. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

You'd do well to just sit back and let Mercury sextile Venus do its thing for you, in terms of getting back in the saddle again as far as love goes. You've held off for so long that you aren't even sure you CAN love again, and that would be just like the transit of the day to show you just how wrong you can be.

Oh, you will love again, Gemini, in spite of yourself. That's why it's going to come as such a surprise for you when it happens.

You've already become the person that everyone thinks of as the loner who won't meet anyone new, and your friends have stopped trying to hook you up with people they think you might like.

You like everyone, but you haven't wanted to become romantically involved with anyone since your last breakup.

Perhaps it's the decision to stop all romance in your life that helps you finally see that there still is hope. Once you close the gate, all you can see is hope. How odd you are, Gemini.

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2. Libra

(September 23 – October 22)

Mercury sextile Venus has a strange affect on you, Libra. This transit is here to help you get back on track again when it comes to love and romance. You've been hurt in the past, and like everyone else who's been hurt, you feel like you needed to back off for a while; let the healing take place, etc.

What you hadn't expected was that the healing not only took place, but it left you with a bad taste in your mouth when it comes to loving and trusting someone with your heart.

You're just not up for being hurt again; it's not that you don't feel you could survive it, you just don't want to be someone's toy again, and because of that, you retreat when love is around.

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During this transit, however, you will reconsider this; while there is o one there to love — at the moment — you do not feel as anti-love as you once did. It might be time to open your heart once again, Libra.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

You've always felt that love is best when it's in the mind and that once it becomes 'reality' it becomes just another thing that can be destroyed. Perfect love does exist — in your mind.

And that's where you've spent many glorious days. Safe in the hidden corners of your mind, where no real humans dare to tread. This feeling came to you as a result of being hurt, so long ago.

You want none of that feeling and you have made express moves to get out of the way of love and the humans who give and take it away with such expertise. During Mercury sextile Venus, you may grow curious as to what you're missing 'out there' in the world.

One thing turns into the next, and before you know it, you'll be putting yourself out there 'on the market' again, looking for love. Because you feel the time is right, and only you can tell when that time is, Aquarius.

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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