When Arden Cho announced that she would not be appearing in theTeen Wolfmovie, a lot of fans were disappointed that they would not be seeing their favorite kitsune anymore. After joiningTeen Wolf as Kira Yukimura in season 3, she brought a new perspective to Beacon Hills. Bubbly and curious, Kira was ready to jump into the world of the supernatural with no notice. She became an integral part of the McCall Pack, more than simply Scott's new love interest, and fans were sorry to see her go.

However, in her short time on the series, Kira had a lot of great exchanges with other characters. Some of her most memorable lines weren't a result of the dialogue itself, but Cho's delivery of them.

Kira's Introduction Is Full Of Sarcasm

"I can set myself on fire and be noticed."

Kira and her dad at school in Teen Wolf

Stiles has a lock on most sarcastic character in Teen Wolf, but Kira's introduction to the series shows that she would understand his sense of humor well. When her father drops her off at school, the trip is full of advice on being noticed, making friends, and fitting in. Kira's reply about setting herself on fire as a way to get noticed might have raised a few eyebrows, but it's a great moment for her.

It's the first time in the show where it's made clear that Kira doesn't hide who she is, that she speaks without thinking, and that she's not about to be someone else just to be liked.

Kira's Babbling Does Make Scott Notice Her

"Hi, I'm Kira. You knew that. I knew you knew that. I don't know why I just told you that again."

Kira and Scott walking down the hall in Teen Wolf

Kira feels a pretty instant connection to Scott McCall. She even realizes that he's paying attention to her in the hallway when a normal human being shouldn't be able to hear her from so far away. Being around Scott, as a result, makes her a little nervous.

When Kira first starts to introduce herself to him and his friends, she babbles. It's her lack of a filter as she speaks her own confusion about babbling that endears her to him immediately. The Teen Wolf audience might not have been sold on their relationship instantly, but the scene certainly brought some levity into the show during a storyline when there was so much drama brewing.

Breaking The Rules Is New To Kira

"That was awesome. I mean, terrifying, completely terrifying, but kind of awesome. I've never done anything like that before, have you?"

Kira and Allison pointing weapons in Teen wolf

When Kira helps Scott and Stiles break into the police station, it's a moment that would likely be a warning for a typical teenager that this group of friends might be a little dangerous. Instead, for Kira, it's a sign that these are the people she should be hanging out with as she is both terrified and excited.

Kira feels such a kinship with this supernatural group before knowing the full extent of her own family history, that she's ready to not just break the rules, but break the law, to help them. It only briefly gives her pause as she's ready to risk everything to help right away. It's definitely a sign for the audience that Kira would bond quickly with the McCall Pack members.

Dating Is Still Awkward For Supernatural Beings

"Okay, I might have slightly mommed you."

Scott And Kira In Teen Wolf Season Three

Kira and Scott might end up being two of the most powerful beings in Teen Wolf, but that doesn't mean they aren't still teenagers navigating potentially awkward social situations. When Kira and Scott finally start hanging out one-on-one, Kira's bubbly personality and Scott's interest in her tend to collide in slightly awkward situations.

One of those involves Kira licking her thumb to wipe something from Scott's face during a party. When he makes fun of her for the action of her "momming" him, the two roll with the awkwardness of the situation and laugh it off. For that moment, they seem like typical teens instead of people who might be trying to save the town from evil every week.

Kira Is Officially Part Of The Pack

"Our Lydia?"

A split image features Scott, Stiles, Kira, and Lydia in Teen Wolf Season 5

Kira, for much of her early episodes, is very much an outsider trying to find her place amongst the people she finds herself drawn to. She's the new girl, and it takes time for everyone to accept her and open up to her. In one instance, Scott tells Kira about Lydia and Stiles' relationship, how Lydia used to hide how smart she was, but Stiles was the only one to realize.

Kira's response of, "our Lydia," is innocent enough out of context, but it's a sign that she's truly a member of the pack. Lydia isn't just Scott and Stiles' friend anymore, but Kira's as well. Kira is privy to their secrets, even the ones from before she came to town.

Kira Learns The Truth About Her Mother

"I just found out you're 900 years old. I don't think I'm ever going to trust you again."

A split image of Ken, Kira and Noshiko Yukimura in Teen Wolf

It's hard for any child to discover that their parents are fallible. It's even harder for a child to find out that their parents have been lying to them about a huge secret their entire lives. That's exactly what Kira finds out when her abilities as a thunder kitsune begin to emerge.

Kira is incredibly powerful because her mother is a 900-year-old kitsune. It's not exactly an easy subject to broach, but it's understandable that Kira suddenly starts questioning everything in her life and just what else her mother might have kept from her. Luckily for Kira, the wedge doesn't remain between them for long as she needs her mother's help to understand her abilities.

Kira Connects With The Skinwalkers

"The skinwalkers have a message for you, Theo. Your sister wants to see you."

Kira activating her Thunder Kitsune powers in Teen Wolf

When Kira's power grows in a way she can't control, her mother introduces her to the Skinwalkers, a group of shapeshifters who live in the desert that can help her. Despite being isolated from other supernatural packs, the group isn't in the dark about what's been going on in the world; they know exactly what Theo did to gain his own powers, and they share that information with Kira.

Thanks to her connection to the Skinwalkers, it's Kira who sends Theo to them before she leaves the series. It's definitely a moment in which the audience sees Theo get what's coming to him for all the evil he's done, but it's also an interesting scene for Kira as it might have previewed her role with the Skinwalkers if a storyline had followed her.

Kira Has Something Of A Sixth Sense

"Something... something happened here..."

Arden Cho as Kira in Teen Wolf

Typically, the show focuses on Lydia Martin having a sense of the supernatural as opposed to any of the other characters. As Kira demonstrates though, it's not just banshees who can sense when something in town just isn't right.

Kira, in the middle of the road with one of the deputies, declares that something happened, but she can't quite put her finger on what happened. The deputy, of course, dismisses Kira with some sarcasm, but it's a nice nod that the McCall pack members are more aware of things going on in Beacon Hills than others would realize. They are the ones who pick up on the Argent family's motives, Theo's true nature, the Dread Doctors, and the Wild Hunt.

Kira Does Draw The Line At Crime Scene Tampering

"Isn't this like a crime scene or something?"

Lydia and Kira are concerned in Teen Wolf

Kira might be up for just about anything with the McCall pack, but when she and Lydia first become friends, she does attempt to draw a line about which rules/laws she won't break. When she accompanies Lydia to look for clues, she wonders if they're entering an active crime scene. Lydia brushes away her concerns - and the crime scene tape - to keep looking.

It's a reminder that while Kira might be excited to learn everything she can about the supernatural and contribute to the group, she's not used to breaking the rules like the rest of the group is.

Kira Puts Herself First

"It's not for my parents. It's not for you. It's for me."

Kira holding a katana sword in Teen Wolf

Despite Kira being upfront about who she is and not wanting to change to fit in, she certainly does spend most of her time putting everyone else first. That changes when she realizes how dangerous her fox spirit can be.

Kira makes the decision to stay with the Skinwalkers to learn better control. It's not because her mother wants her to, or because she wants to protect Scott and her friends, but because she wants to help herself. Kira finally makes the decision to put her own safety first.

NEXT: 25 Best Quotes That Defined Teen Wolf